Monday, February 22, 2010

From, "I'll take it!" to "Let me see if I have coupon for that."...

Since I was not going to find a part time job (really? I already work full time running this house), I wanted to find a way to save money here and there.  The first thing I tackled was the grocery bill.  Mr. Ramsey recommends a site called "The Coupon Mom"  and I figured it was time to check it out. (Coupon Mom kind of reminds of Lynette from Desperate Housewives..see below) The site is free and is all about saving your coupon fliers you get from the Sunday paper, organizing them by date and then the site checks the weekly sales for your local stores to help you save.  It takes some time, but it is worth it.  There is also a book available at your local library from the person who runs Coupon Mom.

Following this plan has saved us some good money.  The highest savings I had at Safeway one time was 68%!  Not too shabby!!  Best deal: four pack pudding snack for 25 cents!   I remember handing over all of my coupons that day and getting "the look" from the lady behind me.  That look lasted until the clerk gave me my total and the woman in line saw my cart full of groceries!  Oh, yeah!!  Take that!!! 

We also look for the deals on certain items and stock up when they are at their cheapest prices.  At the moment, I have a freezer full of chicken and ground beef we bought at GREAT prices!!  Don't miss out on these.  Stocking up during those sales will save you money.

Getting the grocery bill down has become a kind of fun game for me...a challenge.  How much can I save?????   And, most I really need this even though it is on sale?

There is another site that many of my friends use called "The Grocery Game".   The site is the same concept, but there is a small fee attached to the Grocery Game site.  However, some people prefer that site over Coupon Mom.  I say, try both and use the one you will USE!!  That is the most important part.  Do the program.  It will save you money.

Coupon Mom

 Lynette Scavo...see??  

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